Navigate here:

*change boot screen resolution (the monitor displays "Out of Frequency")
sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf

change the values to reflect your monitor's native resolution

save the file, close


sudo update-initramfs -u

That will hopefully help.

*to edit Grub "the Boot loader"
gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

enter password -> menu.lst is open

delete the unused entry (only delete the ones without "#") -> save

close menu.lst -> restart and see

* How do you Re-Enter hard disk password?
I found the solution, Go to Sytem>Administration>Authorization, Look for storage, Click on "Mount file systems from internal drives.", On "Explicit Authorizations" Click on the username you want, Click on "Revoke", then "Close", Unmount the hard disk, and your done.

* Downgrading a software
first download the .deb file of the software you want to downgrade from

uninstall it from Add/Remove or maybe in synaptic

and then install the .deb file

*Sound Problem
just manually adjust the volume from the speakers or headphones high to low or low to high

*Installing Human Compact theme made by Martin Ankerl
1. Save the file HumanCompact.tar.bz2 to your computer.
2. Open the gnome’s appearence dialog with System > Preferences > Appearance.
3. Drag and drop the downloaded file into the Theme tab of the appearance dialog.
4. Choose “Apply new theme” in the popup dialog.

to apply it to for synaptic... and others or for the root user

sudo cp /home/username/.themes/Human\ Compact/gtk-2.0/gtkrc /root/.gtkrc-2.0

*how to manually do a Routine check for hard disk drive
sudo touch /forcefsck

and restart ubuntu

*how to delete a user's home directory
sudo rm -r /home/username

username = user's / folder to be deleted

*How Synaptic Package Manager and Software Sources work
if you want to add a list of packages, just add the the APT Line in "Third-Party Software" in Software sources

to remove the newly added list of packages, just uncheck the APT Line in "Third-Party Software" in Software sources

if you install a package from a .deb file they are listed in "Installed (local and obsolete)" in "Status" in Synaptic Package Manager

if you intend to unsintall a software that was installed with a .deb file, save the .deb file, and remember the package name in "Package: packagename" in the upper left, when you open the .deb file,

then type in "sudo apt-get --purge autoremove packagename" to remove the package, its dependencies, and configuration files.

if you install a software in Add/Remove, to uninstall it use the "File>History" list in Synaptic and mark the package/s as "Mark for Complete Removal" to remove also configuration files that came with the installation

* Text error display during shutdown (Network Manager: Error... something like that)
goto System>Administration>Login Window>Edit Commands

delete end of Halt Command "Shut Down via gdm."
delete end of Reboot Command "Rebooted via gdm."

Apply Changes

goto System>Administration>Network>Unlock with password

click on Wired Connection>Properties, uncheck Enable Roaming Mode, set Connection Settings: Automatic Configuration (DHCP)

click ok


*Fix the shutdown "Network Error" display (restore shutdown splash screen)
MaMany Ubuntu systems have a minor bug when shutting down. Instead of displaying a splash screen indicating the progress of the shutdown process, the user is dropped out to a console screen flooded with shutdown notices (mostly network error messages). These messages are normal and expected, there is nothing to be concerned about. But it can be a bit unsightly, and it would seem that the Ubuntu team intended to have those messages hidden by the splash screen. The splash screen can be restored without much effort:

- Go to System → Administration → Login Window, and select the Local tab
- Select a different theme, then re-select the default theme ("Human"). This just refreshes the setting
- Click Close, then go back to System → Administration → Login Window, and select the Local tab again
- You'll notice that the settings are different to what you've just chosen. Restore the setting to their defaults -- Choose Selected only from the Theme drop-down box (instead of "Random from selected"), and re-select the default Ubuntu theme ("Human"). When complete, click Close. The setting will have saved properly this time, and the shutdown splash screen should work as intended.

*How to install Microsoft Windows Fonts
just type in the terminal

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

*How to determine what dependent packages where installed from a .deb file package. or Gives you a list of what were the previous packages installed
type this in the terminal

cat /var/log/dpkg.log

search for configure packagename and install packagename this are packages that were installed first it will install packagename and then configure packagename

*How to open .rar files
install unrar package in synaptic

*How to automount NTFS disk or partition
Type this codes in the terminal

sudo aptitude update

sudo aptitude install ntfs-config

Ok so when that returns you to user@pcname, that should be it installed

Next, make sure you have NO drives mounted (they'll usually appear on your desktop). And then run the program from Applications > System Tools

Enter your password when prompted - and then choose the drives that you want to be automounted. Click Apply.

Now simply make sure that "Enable Write Support for Internal Drives" and click OK.

*To change the gnome taskbar into 3d like theme
Right click on the taskbar>properties>background select None

*To reach max resolution for the monitor
in the terminal type in

gksudo nvidia-settings

provide the password, Nvidia x server setting window opens

go to the "x server display configuration" tab, select the appropriate resolution, click on "Save to X configuration file", put a check mark on "Merge...", click on save, quit, then restart

* If you want to be come a DJ, search for LMMS "Linux MultiMedia Studio"

* To make "Sound Blaster 5.1 vx" make a sound 
go to gnome Volume Control set volume to 0 for IEC958 Center, Front, Rear, Unknown, and Analog Center, Rear, Side and Capture Feedback
switches IEC958 uncheck
options Analog Source: Mic 
Digital Source: i2s in
Only adjust Analog Front to 100 or 50 because this is the one who can make the sound of the PCI card
*To utilize two sound cards install "PulseAudio Device Chooser"
install it through Add/Remove
use this up to play firefox(flash playback) with the 1st sound card, and vlc with the 2nd sound card

* installing Win2-7 pack 4.9.1
download and extract to a folder
open "Terminal", search and go to the extracted folder, and type ./
just install everything
* installing gnomenu
download first here
extract, and install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python python-xdg python-cairo python-gconf python-xlib deskbar-applet
go to where you extracted gnomenu, and type in sudo make install
* installing dockbarx
NOTE! IMPORTANT! From dockbarx x.0.23.1 dockbar uses folders /usr/share/dockbarx and ~/.dockbarx instead of /usr/share/dockbar and ~/.dockbar
1. install python-gnome2-desktop and python-numpy (DockbarX might be able to run without python-numpy, but it shouldn't hurt). For previews libgtk2.0-0, libgx11-6 and libxcomposite1 needs to be installed too (if they aren't already).
$ sudo apt-get install python-gnome2-desktop python-numpy
2. copy and to /usr/bin/ and GNOME_DockBarXApplet.server to /usr/lib/bonobo/servers (64-bit users on mandriva and possibly other rpm-based distributions should use /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib)
$ sudo cp /usr/bin
$ sudo cp /usr/bin
$ sudo cp GNOME_DockBarXApplet.server /usr/lib/bonobo/servers
3. copy the content of themes folder to /usr/share/dockbarx/themes (for system wide installation, recommended) or ~/.dockbarx/themes (Create the folders if necessary)
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/dockbarx/themes
$ sudo cp themes/* /usr/share/dockbarx/themes
4. add DockBarX applet to panel
to make dockbarx, show previews, you need to enable Visual Effects at "Normal"

* for Website editing use Seamonkey

* fixing bootup plymouth low resolution
Users should experience a much faster boot however some users may experience problems with Plymouth after the nVidia graphics driver has been enabled. Users may experience plymouth using lower graphics resolution.
Graphical solution :
Command line :
(Some of the fixes put forward dont work for everyone.)
One that works for nVidia and to try is this.
gksu gedit /etc/default/grub
and add the line in BOLD.
# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1680x1050 Save the file and run
sudo update-grub
The resolution chosen should be your monitors native resolution.
* Removing Entries from Grub 2
Entries should be removed by editing or removing files in the /etc/grub.d folder. The /boot/grub/grub.cfg file is read-only and should not normally require editing.
    * Automatically.
          o Too Many Kernels? Kernels removed via Synaptic or with "apt-get remove" will automatically update grub.cfg and no user action is required.
                + In Synaptic, type the kernel number in the search window at the upper right (for example - 2.6.28-11).
                + Find the "linux-image" and "linux-headers" files for the applicable kernel (example - linux-image-2.6.26-11 or "linux-image-2.6.26-11-generic).
                + Right click and select "Mark for Complete Removal" and then press the Apply main menu button.
                + The kernels will be removed from your system and from the Grub menu.
                + If you are not sure of the kernel you are currently using, in a terminal type "uname -r".
                + Many users keep one previous kernel on the machine which previously ran without problems.
* change grub2 timeout 
sudo gedit etc/default/grub/
edit "GRUB_TIMEOUT = "?"
save and close
sudo update-grub

* use Gambas if you want to use alternative for MS Visual Basic
* full access GUI for file manager
gksudo nautilus
* fix sound problem (left speaker with small cracking sound)
install Gnome ALSA Mixer
uncheck IEC958
* fix bootup/plymouth display problem
Users should experience a much faster boot however some users may experience problems with Plymouth after the nVidia graphics driver has been enabled. Users may experience plymouth using lower graphics resolution.
Graphical solution :
Command line :
(Some of the fixes put forward dont work for everyone.)
One that works for nVidia and to try is this.
gksu gedit /etc/default/grub
and add the line in BOLD.
# The resolution used on graphical terminal
# note that you can use only modes which your graphic card supports via VBE
# you can see them in real GRUB with the command `vbeinfo'
GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1680x1050 Save the file and run
sudo update-grub
The resolution chosen should be your monitors native resolution.
Change the Gnome Menu Icon
1)open the terminal and type: gconf-editor
2)go to "apps" -> "panel" -> "objects"
3)Find the right object. Under "object type" it should say "menu-object"
4)Once you have found the right object, check the box that says "use-custom-icon"
5)Then right click where it says "custom-icon" and click "Edit Key"
6)type in the location of the icon and click ok.
Use of Ubuntu Tweak
change login background
Use of Gnome Color Chooser
change color of Gnome Clock Panel

customized Show/Hide Desktop gnome panel
install wmctrl from synaptic
create an empty file
paste this code
if wmctrl -m | grep "mode: ON"; then
exec wmctrl -k off
exec wmctrl -k on
add a panel>create custom launch application>
put /bin/bash before location of the newly created file
search for a better looking icon
fix gnome window title bar missing
go to System>Preferences>StartUp Application
create a new start up application
with this command
metacity --replace